Giant’s Castle
A network of mapped trails spreads along the river, into the foothills or into the high ’Berg itself, providing endless opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts, photographers, amateur botanists and hikers to immerse themselves in tranquil solitude. Spring is a particularly special time of the year, with many of the seasonal grassland plants in bloom. Here one can often see the indigenous agapanthus dusting the veld with a blue haze, or the yellow/orange bloom of the red-hot poker, amongst many others. The world renowned Giant’s Castle Main Caves Museum provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of the vanished San people (or Bushmen) who lived in these valleys historically and left such a priceless legacy of rich rock art. The world-renowned Vulture Hide offers the bird-enthusiast and photographer a unique opportunity to view and photograph various raptors and vultures, such as the endangered bearded vulture, the Cape vulture and Verreaux’s eagle that occur in the region. The fully licenced Izimbali Restaurant, with its well-stocked bar, "The Overhang", provides buffet or a la certre meals which can be enjoyed on the deck overlooking the Bushman's River.